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Participants at the 2017 UN International Day of Peace conference, Melbourne, Aust.


Participants at the UN International Day of Peace conference in 2018, Melbourne, Aust.

The one day conference brings people together from our diverse multi-cultural community to discuss current peace-building strategies at regional, national and local community levels.

Format of the Day: Keynote address, presentations, discussion, Bridge of Peace, and a selection of Break-out workshops.

When: the closest Saturday to Peace Day, which is held on September 21st world wide.

Sisters sharing a cuppa

Reflection from Participants


“Living for the Sake of Others; to build peace is about loving your enemy, and engagement.”


“This event is sending its message heart to heart. There is no push/pretence on the subject. Your peaceful approach made the day easy.”


“A wonderful opportunity to engage in global sharing – sharing of ideas, sharing of smiles and sharing of energy. I loved every minute of the day. Thanks for the opportunity to participate in an interesting and inspiring day.”

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