Global Development, Aid & Service
Solomon Islands, PNG
Financial Relief & Independence: Empowering Women Through Micro-Credit Loans
The Pasifika Micro-Credit Program (PMC) provides financial relief and empowers women in Pacific Island nations with interest-free loans to start or expand businesses.
Repaid funds support future applicants, creating a cycle of empowerment and economic growth.
Mentorship and training equip women with skills for lasting success.

Creating Financial Opportunities to Start Businesses
Taking a partnership approach between WFWP Australia and the WFWP Chapters within the Pacific Island Nations, the Pasifika Micro-Credit project aims to empower women in the Pacific Nations by directly investing in their business idea with a micro-credit loan.
WFWP Australia supports UN Sustainable Development Goal 1: no poverty; Goal 5: gender equality; Goal 8: decent work and economic growth; Goal 10: reduced inequalities; Goal 17: partnerships for the goals.
Pacific women are under-represented among business owners and face financial barriers to start and develop businesses. As a result, female-headed businesses are less likely to be successful due to limited capital.​

Studies show that when women are given economic opportunity, it benefits not only their families, but their community, and ultimately national economic development. Highlighting the first Global Goal, providing economic opportunities for women puts poverty reduction on a faster track.

Who Benefits?
Women with low income who have viable business ideas that do not meet the criteria of banks or other traditional lenders and, therefore, are unable to access bank credit to start a small business.
Applicants meet with their mentors and understand the process before the training program. Repayment of the micro-funds is repaid over a 1-3 year period.
Returned funds are reinvested into the local Chapter, ensuring ongoing support for future applicants through micro-credit loans.

The Pasifika Micro-Credit Program (PMC) is a project established by WFWP Australia specifically to support women within the Pacific Island nations.
This project was launched in the highlands of PNG in January 2020. The 2nd training workshop was held in Sogeri, PNG in January 2023.
The guidance and support of WFWP National Chapter teams are crucial to the success of the training program.
Financial Literacy Training
During the training program, participants are introduced to the philosophy of the project along with the basic elements of running a business.
Although the focus of the training program is local women, the men of the community are encouraged to attend to build their support for the women's prospective business.
With a mix of group discussions and explanations, workshop topics included Micro-Credit, the PMC Process, Setting Goals and Objectives, SWOT Analysis, Using GANNT Project Planning tools and Business Planning. To assist, a Pidgin English interpreter is present during the entire workshop.

Participants are organised into small groups led by a supervisor who assisted them in filling in their business plans during the Business Planning sessions.
Some of the businesses ideas: raise livestock such as chickens, pigs and fish farming for sale in the local markets, sewing garments for sale, expanding and developing coffee fields, setting up trade stores and wholesale businesses.
Under the leadership of the WFWP National Chapter, supervisors who are local professionals continue to provide mentoring support with business management .
After attending the three day Financial Literacy workshop, women are presented with certificates at a Graduation Ceremony.
Dressed in traditional PNG colours, the ceremony is a joyous occasion attended by family members and local dignitaries.