The Pacific Island Scholarship Fund is a not for profit development program launched in March 2017. The scholarships aim to provide young adults living in the Pacific Islands with opportunities to access empowering education programs in their own country.
The program supports young people who are passionate about getting an education and who align their heart with one of the values and goals of WFWP: “Living for the sake of others”.
Taking a partnership approach between WFWP Australia and the WFWP Chapters within the Pacific Island Nations, Pasifika Micro-Credit aims to empower women in the Island Nations of Oceania by directly investing in their business idea, economic activity, or micro-enterprise with a micro-credit loan.
The project was initiated in 2020.

NEW HOPE ACADEMY - The Solomon Islands
The New Hope Academy Primary School opened to grade 1 in 2019. In 2011, WFWP Japan provided some funding for the building of the kindergarten. Since then, WFWP Australia has provided school materials and equipment.
Located in the Solomon Islands capital of Honiara, the Primary School and Kindergarten is situated close to the city centre. With a family centred philosophy of teaching children to develop their sense of community through sharing, developing empathy and understanding for each other, the Academy has the reputation of being the best school in the area.

Goal 1 : End poverty in all forms everywhere;
Goal 3 : Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages;
Goal 4 : Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all;
Goal 5 : Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls;
Goal 8 : Ensure everyone has access to employment opportunities, and make sure they have jobs that last;
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities;
Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals.

Commencing in 2008, Women's Sewing Centres continue to provide Island women the opportunity to gain practical skills that empower their lives, and support their families economically.
With the short term goal to bring women together to learn and/or volunteer their skills, the long-term goal is for women to become economically independent.
Our most developed sewing centre is in Honiara, Solomon Islands and closely collaborates with New Hope Primary and Kindergarten, providing uniforms and funds. The sewing centre is currently expanding as more women join and new projects are developed. Other sewing Centre's are in Vanuatu, Samoa, Fiji and PNG.

WFWP Australia initiated the Books for the Islands Project in 2008. Since then, thousands of boxes of children's books have been shipped to establish libraries in primary schools within Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands, Samoa, Fiji and Papua New Guinea. Many Island nation schools do not have libraries.
WFWP Australia also works towards expanding the resources of existing school libraries by supplying good quality children’s books, either in the English or French language.