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Global Development, Aid & Service

Global Women Peace Ambassador Award

Global Women Peace Ambassador award is a heartfelt recognition bestowed upon women who selflessly dedicate their time and talents to serving their communities.


Awardees are leaders from all sectors of society and walks of life, united in their dedication to building a worldwide community of peace.


Through their pro-bono work, awardees exemplify the peace-building principles central to WFWP, ‘living for the sake of others.’ Their benevolent actions uplift those in need, fostering harmony and inspiring others to lead with compassion.


This award stands as a testament to their selfless leadership and unwavering commitment to positive change.

Anne Bellavance with Heather Yelland.

Global Women Peace Ambassadors are peace leaders representing the religious, racial, and ethnic diversity of the human family, and all disciplines of human endeavor.


Standing on the common ground of universal moral principles, promoting reconciliation, overcoming barriers, and building peace, they are leaders who build peaceful communities and share their knowledge to:


  • Promote cooperation beyond boundaries of religion, race, ethnicity, and nationality.

  • Practice ‘living for the sake of others’ as the guiding principle for building a global community.

  • Demonstrate leadership excellence in a given sphere of activity.

  • Work in cooperation to realize a culture of peace through global platforms such as the UN Global Development Goals.

  • Network internationally as peacebuilders through the Global Women’s Peace Network (GWPN).

Presentation of Global Partner award by WFWP Aust.

Global Partner Award

The Global Partner Award is given to an organisation for their exemplary service and leadership within the community, thereby demonstrating the highest standards of social responsibility.


This award honours those who selflessly contribute the organisations time, resources, and expertise pro-bono to uplift communities and make a positive impact.


Recipients are recognised for their benevolent service, embodying the spirit of generosity and compassion through their actions.


The Award is an opportunity to recognise the outstanding partnership between WFWP and the organisation. It stands as a testament to their unwavering commitment to the betterment of society and their role in fostering a culture of ‘living for the sake of others.’

Global Partners work towards SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals.


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can only be realised with strong global partnerships and cooperation. 




In their sphere of activity, Global Partners use their organisation to ensure lasting peace and prosperity for generations to come.​


The Organisation:


  1. Affirms the vision and mission of WFWP.

  2. Exemplifies the ideal of ‘living for the sake of others’.

  3. Transcends racial, national, and religious barriers.

  4. Supports the work of WFWP / GWPN in one or more of its focus areas.

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